dakota of earth

Dakota Wint | Psychedelic Witchcraft, Jesus Christ & the nature of EVIL

Dakota Wint joins the Your Mate Tom podcast and talks about Psychedelic Witchcraft, The nature of Evil & Jesus Christ our lord and saviour.

0:00 Dakota Joins The Your Mate Tom Podcast!

0:56 Quarantine 2020 apocalypse

4:32 Dakota’s Peru quarantine lockdown experience

6:34 Ayahuasca Vs 5-MeO-DMT Toad

9:00 Do humans suffer significantly more than animals + “normal” humans

11:00 Having a normal job

12:05 Am I touching the wall or is the wall touching me?

13:03 Spirituality is a form of punk rock

18:56 This current earth saga is ending and we are entering a new phase

22:45 South America horrible drug education

26:23 The magical Mescaline San Pedro Cactus

31:49 Shamanism, Good & evil & plant medicine.

35:27 Calling out for Jesus Christ during a bad trip

38:00 The psychedelic real: A real place or unique dimension?

42:00 Nightmare ayahuasca trip and calling out to Jesus

51:45 Heavy existential realisations & Dakota working at the morgue

56:12 Jesus was a GOAT 58:00 Scary demons on ayahuasca

1:03:30 Dimensions and the nature of reality

1:04:41 Is Dakota Wint A Flat Earther?

1:09:15 Space freaks Tom out + Interstellar + LOVE

1:17:13 Dakota & Tom would get scarified during the medieval time

1:21:54 CHONTAS [Shamanic Surgery]

1:26:00 Taking psychedelics for Mystical studies

1:27:32 Is evil/demons real?

1:40:49 Cocaine is a soul sucking demon drug

1:45:10 Hitler is as natural as a hurricane. 1:46:37 The Kybalion, Hermeticism & THOTH

1:51:30 Profound Spiritual Books

1:54:30 What is MIND? All is Mind.

2:00:40 Our brains did not invent DUALITY, DUALITY created our brains.

2:03:05 My podcast with The Quentin Experiment

2:06:35 5-MeO is bloody intense and not something I would do often 2:07:25 Mushrooms ceremonies Vs Ayahuasca

2:12:00 Maria Sabina the shaman who brought magic mushrooms to the world

Cheers for listening.

Much love,


Giving LSD to a Hindu Monk w/ DakotaWint

Join our weird conversation about psychedelics, the matrix, mushrooms and the bible + more ft Dakota of Earth (DakotaWint)

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SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/44ATl8hhnYTj0mOX08Z1ge

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/ymt-podcast/id1274634186?mt=2



Dakota's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/dakotawint?&ab_channel=dakotaofearth

8:00 Smoking weed in Bob Marley’s home

10:21 Is Australian weed any good?

13:34 Australian culture

15:14 BAD IBOGA TRIP w/ PsychedSubstance

19:49 Dakota’s Grandma & DEATH

21:47 Dakota’s Nationality


26:40 Does Free Will Exist?

30:00 Duality & Hermeticism

32:00 Australian skits adventure & Steve Irwin

34:08 Dakota’s crazy experience in Palestine & Israel

44:32 Amsterdam Weed Legalisation

46:38 Dakota’s future documentaries

53:30 Aboriginals

61:42 Christianity & Mushrooms

67:38 Giving An Indian Monk LSD

1:13:07 Ram Das

1:18:19 LSD Vs Shrooms

1:26:08 Fear of Death

1:32:54 Closing Statements