rick strassman

Dr Rick Strassman | DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Dr Rick Strassman | DMT: The Spirit Molecule
Your Mate Tom

Your Mate Tom interviews the legendary psychedelic researcher pioneer: Dr. Rick Strassman, the author of DMT: The Spirit Molecule. (Check out his upcoming book “my altered states” available in all major book stores.)

0:54 going too far with Mary Jane

4:04 The Spirit Molecule & DMT research

11:49 DMT & The Pineal Gland

14:50 Can you reach DMT states without psychedelics?

19:00 What DMT does to your brain

24:23 Evolutionary purpose of DMT & Mystical states

33:24 Rick’s ONE and only DMT Trip Experience

35:27 DMT autonomous Entities

37:33 Psychedelics amplifying CHAOS