tommy chong

Your Mate Tommy Chong | YMT Podcast #35

Your Mate Tommy Chong
Your Mate Tom

Your Mate Tom talks to Tommy Chong & Dakota Wint about weed culture, spirituality, Christianity & philosophy.

0:00 - Start

4:00 - Dakota joins the chat

9:15 - Your Mate Tommy Chong

11:55 Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke

15:54 What Tommy thinks of cannabis culture today

27:18 Ancient Civilisations

29:55 UFOs

30:46 Tommy doesn’t like Star Wars very much

33:53 Tommy Chong is a student of The Bible

39:08 The spiritual realm & Tommy’s philosophy on life

44:26 Tommy doesn’t like going on bad trips (horror movies)

46:53 The good things about getting old

51:19 Tommy’s thoughts on the After Life & spirituality

1:01:08 Praying with love & forgiveness (Christianity)

1:03:12 The amazing specimen that is salmon

1:07:50 Moses & Exodus