tom zembrzuski

Why Are People So Pessimistic?

Why Are People So Pessimistic?

People always say that they're a sceptic or a pessimist. No. It's called being gutless. It takes courage to look for the good. It takes guts to try, even if that means failing. 

It's easy to look for the negatives and ignore the positives. It's easy to say "fuck it" and stay exactly we are. 

It's this fear of rejection and disappointment why we don't even try and give things a real shot. It's all these self-defence mechanisms which blocks out the pain instead of facing it. When a relationship starts breaking down, it's much easier to see things a lot worse than what they really are, so that we don't even bother. 

Is Science Always Right? Or Is It Holding You Back?

Is Science Always Right? Or Is It Holding You Back?

How many people do you know that won't believe anything they hear unless it's been "scientifically proven"? How many people do you know that will treat any scientific study as absolute truth? Do you think anything that is printed in a scientific journal to be true?

I would say that many people these days are like this. These are the people who get stuck in life and aren't willing to try anything or listen to anybody's ideas because it hasn't hasn't gone through a double-blind peer reviewed scientific study. 

Do Drugs Cause Addiction? | The Answer Might Surprise You

Do Drugs Cause Addiction? | The Answer Might Surprise You

Are drugs themselves the actual cause of drug addiction? Or is addiction caused by other factors that contribute to these spiralling addictions more so than the drug itself?  

The stigma attached to illicit drugs is a lingering stain that just won't go away. Most people you talk to will blame drugs for most of society's problems. The propaganda surrounding drugs have always been filling our heads with absolute nonsense for many decades now. I bought into it just as much as everyone else, but now looking back on hindsight, I literally laugh out loud when I see any drug propaganda. Obviously, most drugs aren't good for you, you don't have to be a scientist to know that, but they are nowhere near as bad as the mainstream media makes it out to be. Despite what they tell you, most users will in fact NOT become addicted to drugs, nor will they suffer long-term damage.